Our Gain or Christ’s?

Research shows that we make 35,000 choices a day. Choices that lead us towards or away from the goals and visions we have for our lives. These tens of thousands of choices we make also lead us one of two ways – either for our own gain or for Christ’s gain. And I’ll readily admit, I can so quickly make decisions and choices for my own gain, not keeping Christ at the forefront.
We may think God doesn’t care about some of our choices, but I think it’s what we do with them that matters. For the small choices, end up piecing together a bigger picture of who we are and what we are pursuing. Is it Christ or is it me, myself, and I?
Does God care about what car we drive? I think he cares about how we use what we drive to further his Kingdom. What conversations do we have in it? Who do we give rides to? Or do we drive what we do for status and look? For our gain or Christ’s?
Does God care about what we wear? I think He cares about how much time we spend keeping up with what everyone else is wearing, how much time we spend scrolling, and how much we spend to look a certain way. For our gain or Christ’s?
Does God care about the size house we live in? I think he cares about who we invited into our homes and into our lives. I think he cares about how we use what we have to serve others. How the food in our cupboards and fridge feed not only ourselves, but those around us. For our gain or Christ’s?
Does God care about how much we make? I think he cares about how we use what he’s given us, to bless others and give back to Him. Do we work to pad our accounts or to have more to give away? For our gain or Christ’s?
Does God care how many friends we have? I think he cares about who we are a friend to. Are we friends with people for status and personal gain? Or to be Christ to them and walk alongside THEM?
When it comes to my 35,000 choices, these are the questions I constantly need to think about when making a decision. Is it for my personal gain or for Christ’s? Ah, I struggle. This is how I want to live my life, but my choices don’t always reflect it. In the end, what matters is Christ. How we represent Christ. How we are the hands and feet of Jesus to those around us. May we all choose wisely, with every single choice we make.