God and Anxiety
I don’t know about you, but I know for our family the saying holds true, “Time flies when you’re having fun”. This summer sure is flying by, but it sure has been filled with fun. Even though it’s been “good” things, it doesn’t always mean it’s the “right” things. I would say most often they…
Another day. Another day of accepting the life God has given us. Another day of realizing that God is not done with us! I woke up this morning thinking “I can do this.” I started to vacuum the sanctuary at church and I realized it was taking everything in me to not just start crying….
While driving to town to get some groceries, Mazy pointed out the moon that sat while patiently waiting for the sun to go down. Then she reminded me of the street corner we stopped at to gaze at the rainbow recently. As she vocalized her thoughts, I couldn’t help but vocalize my thoughts to God….
Think back to a time when someone said something to you, and you haven’t felt the same since. Okay, maybe it wasn’t that life-changing, but can you think of a time when someone said something positive to you, and it just gave you motivation and confidence for the rest of the day? The other day,…
This Christmas definitely looks and feels a bit different than what I thought it was “supposed” to be like, but then I have to remember that the night Jesus was born, nothing was going according to plan either. This year we have a Christmas blizzard that will probably go down in the record books, but…
This week, God welcomed another one of His sons, back to his eternal home, my Uncle Art. Uncle Art had been battling cancer and though we rejoice his body is fully restored and he is dancing on the streets of gold, here on earth, is left an empty chair. An empty place. A physical void…