A Heartbeat of Grace


I was diagnosed with a rare heart condition that statistically speaking, should have taken my life at an early age. Open heart surgery was the only option, but an option that would change the course of my life. That one diagnosis was the beginning of a journey of God’s grace. This gripping memoir will take you through my emotional journey through deep loss, grief, forgiveness, healing, and miracles.



A Heartbeat of Grace 



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I have always dreamed of writing a book. Back when I started blogging, I had a bucket list of things I wanted to do someday, one of them being writing a book. I always thought maybe it would be a devotional or something of the sorts. Never did I imagine writing a book about my own story.

I must say, I think writing a devotional would’ve been easier, but I also know that God had called me to this. When Dan and I were on our “babymoon” in the Florida Keys in October 2014, due to the tropical storm that was passing through, I had some time to think about the book. I started to copy and paste blog posts from years prior, into a large word document. Gathering pieces of our story, that maybe one day, would make it into a book. Well, the reason I chose that time to start piecing it all together was because I thought that after Mazy was born, my “story” was done. What I thought would go into a book, at least the most interesting parts, would be complete.

Well, Mazy was born in 2015 and much has happened since then. For some reason (God-ordained), I just couldn’t seem to tie up all the loose ends. The end chapter just wasn’t making sense to me. Now I know why. God wanted more in that book.

A story that I have titled:

This title did not just come to me. It was months and months in the making, but I knew God already had a title to it, so we just had to be patient to hear from Him. Then one day it just came. Same with the subtitle.

I decided to self-publish since it is very hard to get your name into the publishing world, unless you are famous. I am the least of them, so I figured I would try my hand at self-publishing. No publisher would probably take the time to even look at a message from me, even if I tried I think! It has been quite the journey in learning how to self-publish, since that was an avenue I had never ventured down. So I’ll say this. If you EVER want to self-publish, let me know. I have learned a great deal along the way, and by far I am no expert, but am completely willing to lend a hand in helping others follow their call to write a book!

Finding time to write sometimes was a challenge, but after Mazy went to bed, that was “my time.” I have poured my heart into this book and there are mistakes, but I know that God will use it however He sees fit. I just wanted to answer the call and I will let Him take the rest.

It was not an easy book to write. Thinking, working through, and pondering some parts of our story are still difficult to do without tears. Sometimes the feelings are so raw, but I can truly say, the pain of our past is gone. Is it still fresh and life-changing? Absolutely. But by God’s grace, He has freed me from the burden of pain that it once carried. This story starts from the very beginning with my childhood and concludes with life up until the spring of 2018. It’s a fresh account and I know there will always be more to the story, but I feel “now” is the time to end the last chapter. Though it’s not the end of the book! God is still writing my story. Just maybe one day there will be a sequel!

I have to add this picture too (below). This just completely sums up the process of writing this book, and what God has done in our life! So my first proof copy was scheduled to come the week I ended up in the hospital. I was so bummed, since I was sitting in the hospital, had time to read it, but didn’t have a way to get it because we were in Ann Arbor. Well, this is just where God’s providence is so evident. One of the beauties of our story is that God has introduced us to some of the most amazing people; friends both near and far. Friends that offer such a richness that I didn’t even know could exist in a friendship. God has moved us around a bit, but we have now landed back near my hometown (just one town south of where I grew up). How crazy is that, in and of itself? Well, we are a part of an amazing church with amazing friends. That week while I was in the hospital, some friends of ours came to visit. Well, unbeknownst to me, Dan told them that the book was sitting on our porch and my dear friend generously OVERNIGHTED the proof copy to me! So, while getting my vitals taken, a package was brought to bed #2 and laid on my lap. With my book inside of it.

It was only fitting that my first look at the book was while I was sitting in the hospital with heart rhythm problems. It took me a bit to open the cover, as tears filled my eyes, realizing that so much of my life is written in this book. That the depths of my emotions, along with all the joys and trials included, were right there in my hands. After I gathered myself, it was only fitting to get a pic of me with it, with an IV in my hand (though not hooked up at the time).

Isn’t it just awe-inspiring how God works in just the littlest of details in life?

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