Recognizing God’s Voice

We have developed a completely new vocabulary, living with a toddler. One that usually makes no sense to anyone else but us, yet a vocab that has taught me far greater than new words.
Let me share just a few:
- Sup-pa = pizza
- Amen = when she’s done reading a book
- gawk = milk
- George = wants to watch Curious George
- Gangkie = blankie
- Shoppa = shopping (aka grocery shopping in her world)
- Pie = Grandpa and Grandma
- Down = means down AND up
- Skews = asks to be excused from the table
- Bay = pray
- Bi = wants to read her Bible
I’ll admit. I am known for creating and shortening words to create my own language. Someone once told me that a dictionary for my vocab could and should be created (though I have yet to put the pen to paper). Sometimes Dan and I just LAUGH when Mazy says something – in her world, it makes complete sense, but to us, we often are left saying “huh?”
We are getting better at it. There are not too many times where we do not know what she is saying, but we have both spent enough time with her, where we have built that relationship, and we just know what she means.
And THAT is the type of relationship I want with my Father. I am thankful that we have the Spirit to intercede on our behalf, when words do not come easily. But in my 33 years of life, I have learned that the more time you spend with someone, the easier it gets. Whether it be the friendship, the language, or just the ease of being in each other’s presence.
The more I get to know God’s character, who Christ was on earth, and the power of the Holy Spirit, the more I just understand. I understand where God is taking me. I understand what He is doing in our life. I understand the things that do not make sense to anyone else, but us.
And I have had my fair share of “seasons.” There are times when I feel oh-so-close to God, but then other times I feel that distance. But that distance truly happens when I am not “in the moment” with my Father, thinking about Him throughout my day, talking to Him throughout the day, and even just sitting in silence with Him.
Just like with Mazy. I have come home from work, after spending all day with kids at the school, and then Mazy tells me something I do not have a clue what she is saying. Dan is thankfully there to interpret. And that was just 8 hours of not being with her. I learn then that Dan taught her something new and I was clueless. You see, that quality time does really matter – whether it be with our kids or with our Father.
I have to ask myself daily: am I spending that quality time with God, so that I know His vocab, so to speak? Will I recognize when He speaks, or just look at Him befuddled, because it’s been too long since I have sat down with Him? Is my relationship so close with Him, that He can speak in such a subtle way, even in the quiet of the wind, and I will understand? This is something my little toddler, of just 23 months, has taught me.
How about you? Do you recognize the subtle hints from God? Do you recognize His voice? His words? Life sure makes a whole lot more sense when we take that time to just be together. It will be worth every minute. I guarantee it.
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