Simple Living: What Do You Value

What you value and what is most important to you may seem like the same thing.
In many ways they are, but today I am talking about what you value in regards to possessions.
Take a minute to just sit and look around you. Think about all the different items that are taking up the space you are looking at. Down to the very last detail (like a paper clip). Think about the necessity of that item. How “needed” is it? No matter where you are sitting, you can probably find something that is taking up space that probably doesn’t need to be.
It has taken me YEARS (and unfortunately I am still in the process) of evaluating our possessions. My husband’s things are off limits (I have learned!) But I do have control over what I have. Obviously all that we have is each other’s, but some things he finds more value in, which I completely understand. He feels the same way about my things. We each have different values. But in the end, we try not to hang on to something that has no purpose. And that’s just it:
Does everything you own, have a purpose? When it comes down to it, what do you value most?
I decided to make a Top 10 list of some things I value:
1. Bed
2. Clothes
3. Car
4. Food
5. Dishes and cookware
6. Computer
7. Oven/stove
8. Refrigerator
9. Bike
10. Books/Bible
I really value having a computer because it allows me to keep in touch with those who do not live by us, like our families. I also value my hobby/job as an organizing blogger, and a computer is a necessity. I value having a bike, living in a small town because I can run most of my errands (outside of getting groceries), in town. We do not have a grocery store in town – the nearest Wal-Mart or equivalent is 20-25 minutes away. I also value my Bible and books. I love to learn and I love to grow. I am able to do that with both of those things and that is why I value them.
Of course there are other things I own than just those 10 items. In fact, I own MUCH more than that. So much more that I question why I own anything else! Do I really find VALUE in them? Do I have more clothes than what I need – do I have some that have been sitting there for over a year? Is our storage filled with items that we really have no use for? I am sure I can find LOTS of items in our home that we really do not find value in.
That is MY next step. To again, go through everything. Do I find value in it? Is it worth the space that it takes up? Time get moving…