Simple Uses For Ordinary Items: Steel Wool

I always thought of steel wool as this “if I don’t know what to use it for, I’m not going to touch it.” It wasn’t until I had to get some stains off my pans, that I realized how useful steel wool actually is! I must say I usually keep the steel wool with soap on hand.
Do you keep steel wool on hand? What do you use it for?
Here are 10 ideas on what else you can use these weird feeling, but amazing pads for:
1. Scissors getting dull? Just cut a steel wool pad in half, and your scissors should feel sharper!
2. Washing a pet in the tub? Stop hair from clogging the drain by putting a piece of steel wool in it. The water should go through, but the hair will get stuck!
3. Want an old-wood look? Soak your steel wool pad in a jar of vinegar and rub on wood – it should turn a lovely grayish color
4. Polish aluminum with steel wool (make sure you use a fine grade steel wool!
5. Not only will steel wool get rid of stains on pans, but also your SHOES (make sure it’s the soap kind).
6. Have your kids found a different coloring paper like your wallpaper? Use steel wool on it and it should be gone in a jiffy!
7. Are rodents making a home in your home? Fill the holes or cracks with steel wool – animals will not be able to chew through the material.
8. Painting and spill on your ceramic tile? Use steel wool and the paint should come right off.
9. Use steel wool to remove rust.
10. Want your steel wool to last longer? Put it in a bag and store in the freezer.
This is fabulous! My favorite use for steel wool is scrubbing the yellowy ugly stains off of my pyrex dishes. 😀
Yes! I LOVE steel wool for cleaning those nasty baking stains off – same with my cookie sheets! Does wonders 🙂