Simplify Stepping Out The Door

Packing up to go on vacation or a trip, can be extremely overwhelming. When you realize you have more STUFF than what can fit in your vehicle, it’s time to rethink what you NEED to take.
And that’s just it – what you NEED to take. So often we pack things away, “hoping” that we have room for everything, but it takes someone sitting on it, to shut it. Ever been in that situation? I have to admit, I have.
When it comes to any trip out of your home, whether it be going on a walk, heading into town, getting groceries, or going on a trip, it is a choice to take as much as you are, out of the door.
What if you decided to take less stuff with you? What would that look like? Would it take less work to get out the door? Would it prevent you from being late? Would your stress level lessen?
Another way to simply live, is to simply pack. To go anywhere. That means simply packing your purse, a bag, and even your suitcase.
My simple solution is to have a packing list. I have a mental list of what I want to keep in my purse, so anything that is above and beyond that list, has to come out. When it comes to vacation or trip packing, I have a list typed out on a piece of paper tucked in a plastic sleeve, and with a vis-a-vis marker, I check off for each overnight trip, what I need to take. Nothing more, nothing less. If it’s not on the list, it usually doesn’t make it into my suitcase. Everything on that list can fit into my suitcase, so that is why I stick to it.
There is a sense of simplicity in packing light. Sometimes it may be nice to have options of things to wear on a trip, but really, lets be honest: you have go-to outfits you wear every time. Options only add more choices to your day and the last thing I want to do on vacation is make more choices – especially when deciding what to wear.
Simplify every time you step out of the door. It is a choice and start making that choice today.