Spring Cleaning and Clutter Clearing
Garage sale season is on the horizon. Whether you plan to have one or not, spring is often a good time to spring clean your home. I have always wondered why it’s called “Spring Cleaning” and why our culture hasn’t chosen a different season to “clean” in, but I think it has to do with the weather. We all start coming out of our cocoons, the windows are open, and we feel like we have a new lease on life. Also known as – motivation.
While clearing out our home to move, I find myself glancing back and forth, from room to room, bothered by how much fills certain areas of our home. If I had to take a self-evaluation of the clutter, I feel I wouldn’t be failing, but I would give myself a B. Some areas are great and I am sure you feel the same way. There are some areas of your home that you like how they are, you are happy with how uncluttered they are, and you do not get overwhelmed when you look at those spaces.
Then, there are those “other” areas. Can I just say our closet? I admit I do not own that many clothes, but there are still things I keep, that I do not wear. Our garage is another place that is a bit of an eye sore. Thanks to winter, I feel like many things just get shoved in an area for later use, but eventually have to come out again, once spring hits. It’s a vicious cycle!
In preparation for our garage sale the end of April, I am on a mission to clear the clutter. Clear the cluttered areas that I cringe at every single time. Clear the clutter where moth and rust can destroy (as it says in the Bible). I am jumping on the Spring Cleaning bandwagon, and am ready for the ride!
If you are looking to prepare for a garage sale this spring, I am sure that you are starting to get hot flashes and panic attacks, just thinking about it. No worries, I sometimes feel that same way too. It can be so overwhelming. Where do you start? What to go through first? I created a little document on How To Organize Your Home in various areas, such as the kitchen, clothes, and piles of paper. This is just a start. Even though I created this a few years ago, I still go back to it because they are such good reminders!
Time to spring clean and get those houses CLEARED OUT! You in?