
Faith in Waiting

Our pastor today preached such a timely sermon! God has those little ways of touching our hearts when we don’t even realize how much they need to be touched, tweaked, and loved on. Trusting in the wait. Dan and I both came home thinking “this what we needed to hear.” In the back of my…

Much More Than We Deserve

This post is a long time in coming, but I have been doing a lot of thinking about Thanksgiving. It is one of my favorite holiday (next to Christmas) because I often need to get humbled. I find it so ironic that Black Friday falls the day after we have a designated day to give…

The Weight of Burdens

Something that I have been thinking deeply about lately is why we walk around with so much weight. I am not talking about physical weight, but the weight of burdens, stress, and heartache. We are broken people in a broken world, in need of a Savior. Our Savior has extended His hand out to us,…

My Growth Spurts

My greatest “growth spurts” in life, have happened in the most difficult of times. I don’t know if you can say the same for yourself, but for me, I know that it is in the storms of life, that I have learned the most and have grown the most. One of the greatest lessons I…

Taking Time To Slow Down

I decided to piggy-back off of my last post about living in an “instant” world. Personal confession time: I rush through life – it takes a conscious effort for me to slow down and just relax. Ask my husband. I am a do-er. I am a task-oriented person. The more things on my to-do list,…