
How To Freeze Peas

How To Freeze Peas

Peas are a fan favorite in our household! Not so much the frozen kind that you buy in the store, but whether fresh or frozen in the pod straight from our garden – we absolutely love them! This year my husband built an amazing and practical pea trellis. This was the solution to having a…

Spinach Lasagna Rollups

Spinach Lasagna Rollups

Freezer meals – I can’t get enough of them! I have always wanted to try a spinach lasagna roll. It sounds fancy, but simple at the same time. I figure anything with spinach is tasty, right? Then when I figured this was a freezable meal, I knew this was something I had to try! Pasta…

21 Uses For Mason Jars

21 Uses For Mason Jars

  Mason jars. They have become a DIYers new favorite item. Have you seen on Pinterest how many ideas there are to use with mason jars? There are now chandeliers made out of mason jars. If you are looking for a way to decorate with a mason jar, it is out there! Why are they…

What I Keep in My Freezer

What I Keep in My Freezer

Freezing food is something I take advantage of whenever I can. Our first 7 years of marriage, we did not have a chest freezer. What were we thinking, I don’t know. Our refrigerator/freezer, well, the freezer part was a problem. Anytime someone would want to get something out of our freezer, they would have to…

How To Freeze Corn

How To Freeze Corn

1. To start, use the freshest corn you can. If you pick some and can’t freeze the corn right away, just store it in the refrigerator or in a cooler. 2. Husk the corn – this means getting all the “hairs” off. 3. Find the largest pot you have and boil enough water so that…