
Granola Balls

Granola Balls

  Need a quick, healthy, take and go snack? Try this recipe: granola balls. Enjoy every rich bite because you don’t have to feel guilty eating them – that is until you eat 5 and realize you could go for number 6! An added bonus – you can choose to refrigerate or freeze them! Granola…



Ever crave something chewy, chocolaty, and sweet? Ever looking for that quick, easy, and perfect snack everyone will enjoy? Scotcheroos are the answer! You can have these bars assembled and made in about 15 minutes – and trust me, they taste MUCH better than a 15 minute bar! Simple ingredients for a simple recipe! Scotcheroos…

Day 40: Hello, JELLO!

Day 40: Hello, JELLO!

  What: Jello and Puddings Why: Living less with even JELLO? Yes, even with jello. Jello is one of those things that can end up filling up our kitchen drawers, for no good reason. We buy a specific flavor of jello maybe because it sounds good or because we think we may use it someday,…