The 33 Week Mark

Only 7 weeks left! (Looks like my belly button popped, but it hasn’t. Yet.)
I almost can’t believe I am saying that! I remember getting past the halfway point and thinking wow, I have a long ways to go yet. Where now, I only have just weeks left – it’s barely worth saying “months” anymore! Yet we are just soaking in every little bit of her being inside of me.
Baby: She is extremely active, and definitely has her awake and sleep times. When she is active, I can usually feel her little bottom, feet, and legs just squirming. It’s incredibly cute. All of a sudden I will see a little foot or heel pop out the side of my stomach, as she tries to get comfortable. I tried to videotape her moving the other day, but I think she is maybe a little camera shy – we’ll see if that’s the case when she comes out :). At my last appointment on Thursday, the doctor admitted for the first time in words, that yes indeed, she is a big girl. As he measured my stomach and looked at the chart, he said that we are going to have to keep an eye on her. I will have another ultrasound in 4ish weeks to determine more precisely how big she is. I have been told by numerous people as well too, how much I have grown and how big my stomach is. Some wonder if that bothers me, but not in the least bit! Honestly, being told these things just excites this mother! I figure the bigger she is, the healthier she is. If God decided to bring her into this world today, she would be okay.
My Body: My blood pressure is still great at 110/72, I do not have any swelling, and my weight gain is good. I always worry about that a little bit to be completely honest because of course I have never weighed this much in my life, but I just go by how I feel, how my clothes feel, and what the doctor says. He says I look great, so I am going to take his word for it :).
Food: Maybe not as hungry as I used to be, but eating healthy foods definitely help me feel great. Every night I do have acid reflux, so Tums are still wonderful. Whoever invented them was really thinking about pregnant people too. Plus, they say that added calcium can’t hurt! I do not have food cravings, but more or less certain foods sound good because others definitely do not. Thankfully I gravitate towards fruits and cereal and not chips (because I know what they would do to me later :)).
Her Room: I am getting things organized (shocker there, right?), which continues to be such a fun process! I spent a good chunk of time figuring out the car seat (kind of complicated) and putting together other things that needed figuring out too, like her breathable bed bumper. As the room comes together, we just stand and stare, dreaming and imagining, what life with her will be like. We can’t wait to see the finished product once we have everything we need.
Miscellaneous: Some days I am just thankful for the internet. Because of my basketball schedule, I am unable to attend classes at our local hospital, but I have found some great resources online for breastfeeding, labor, delivery, and caring for a newborn. Also the books I have are wonderful resources as well. I feel you can only prepare so much and really, the rest just has to be left in God’s hands. I can educate myself as much as I can, but really, this whole process from the beginning has been in God’s control. I am so thankful for a God who cares so deeply and so lovingly!
So here’s to only 7 more weeks (or less). Who knows what those weeks will bring, but all is well, and we are going to keep trusting forward that God will protect this little one and continue to, as she makes her debut!
I found this little blurb in one of my weekly pregnancy emails to be a little comical, but SO true! I chuckled because lately I have been taking a little longer to get out of a chair, while maybe even throwing in a little grunt at times. Then I read this:
Pregnancy survival skill: How to get out of a soft chair