The Learning Continues
I remember being told that parenting is one of the hardest, yet most rewarding things you will ever do. No one could’ve prepared me for the joys that we have experienced, the changes within ourselves, and how the challenges continually grow us.
One thing I never really thought much about was our child having acid reflux. I am learning that it is extremely common, yet it was something I didn’t read up on because for some reason I didn’t think our child would deal with it. Though I suppose many things in life you do not pay much attention to, until it happens to you.
Looking back, she had all of the signs. She latched on, but did not stay on. She cried during and after feedings. She would burp and just scream. I thought it was just my milk production issues that was causing all of those symptoms, but having learned more about acid reflux, she indeed had it from the start. Jokingly, when she struggled to stay latched, I called that her “funny business.” Little did I know it actually had a name.
And then on top of that, she had to struggle so hard just to get enough. She had to eat and eat and eat (which I now learned probably caused her pain), just to feel full. Oh the things you learn! I know some are against medicating your child, but I am speaking from first hand experience that the acid reflux meds are a life-saver! Though I did make the mistake of trying to “mask” the bitter flavor of the meds by putting them in her bottle, and then I wondered why she wasn’t eating? Thanks to a friend who asked the question if it effected the taste of her milk and sure enough, that was the issue! Next bottle, she guzzled it. Again, oh the things you learn! To see Mazy with a smile on her face after she eats, to see a face of contentment, it has been WELL worth it!
Then there is the joy of seeing Mazy discover and learn. Everyday I wake up wondering what new thing she will discover. The other day she saw the ceiling fan in our living room and it all of a sudden clicked like “hey, that is cool!” She got the biggest smile on her face and was just mesmerized. Seeing her still look at the Lamaze doll with sheer joy, just makes me want to squeeze my love into her. To see her turn her head when I walk into the room, melts this mama’s heart. To see her start to grab onto things and continually be amazed at her fist (thinking “where did this come from?”), just reminds me of the intricacies that God has creates us with.
I am not only thankful for her little life, but what she continually teaches me. How one simple medication can completely change the course for a child. How they do not have the ability to use words to tell us what is wrong, but that God has given us the ability to discern what certain cries mean. How everyday, she is learning something new, but we are learning right along with her. To see how her little body is growing and growing, like her little eyelashes are just absolutely long and beautiful. How the little rolls on her legs continue to get deeper and deeper, and that we think it’s adorable. How she folds her hands and lifts them up to her face as she gazes at her little fingers. Do I take time to gaze at the little details? How pants one day will fit, but then what seems like the next day. be completely too short (not even cool as capris). How she so peacefully sleeps at night – do I take time to rest too? How God has given Dan and I the privilege of caring and loving her. Really, the list goes on.
Parenting has been such a privilege and joy. We could not be more thankful for the gift of it and thankful for what God has taught us through Mazy! The beauty of a child and the beauty of what they teach us. No one truly can prepare you for it!