This Week In Pictures!

Was anyone else as equally surprised it was the 4th of July this past week? We were looking forward to a day spent with family and not on house projects, which was exactly how it was spent. On Monday, Dan had his official first day in the office, which he had plenty to do! Dan…
Those words, etched in our faith. May 11, 2014. A day that is part of the story; written by the very hand of God. The past few weeks, I have been thinking and reflecting on the journey God has had us on. This journey to another opportunity to have our own biological child. It was…
We have our Mazy girl back! She seems to be feeling 100% better and oh how thankful we are to be at this point! She is our crazy Mazy again, is a complete goofball, and we have missed seeing this, knowing she did not feel well for all too long. Dan is gone for 2…
Feels good to sit down and write a little update! I looked at my last post and it said “a little of this, a little of that;” well, that is a good description of what this post is going to be – a hodge podge! First of all, thank you for all of the prayers…
This little girl is sure missing her daddy, but we pray he will be home safe and sound early tomorrow morning! Mazy has struggled again this week with anxiety, pulling out of the hair, and waking up from her naps asking for “daddy”, so I know she will be elated when she wakes up Tuesday…
Dear Dan and Kristin, Your two babies are tucked away safely in me, taking residence with Jesus who also lives in me. This is the text we received at 10:36am this morning from Brenda. Got a little teary-eyed after reading that one! Praise be to God that our embryos are safe in her womb and most…