Trying to Explain the Unexplainable
One week later.
I can honestly say that we are just as shocked today at the news we heard, as we were last Thursday. It has officially been a week, even though it seems like yesterday. We have been extremely busy this past week so we haven’t had a chance to talk about and process this news as much as we would like, but we are hoping to take a day together very soon, to really let this all soak in. Prayers of thanksgiving though are never-ending.
What we are so humbled by, is the fact that Dan and I did nothing to “heal” my heart. A doctor didn’t miraculously heal it earlier – they only provided what we were desiring to hear. Many have questioned whether or not this doctor is “better”. I absolutely loved my heart doctor in Michigan and would recommend her to anyone! She was easy to talk to, was proactive, and wanted the best for us. In fact, when we had first started looking into having kids seriously, she had my tests sent to one of the top-notch heart doctors at Mayo Clinic, and she also reported the same news – it was a gray area with enough risks that we were not willing to take. They just could not give their blessing because the leaking was to unstable.
In all of this, we continue to want to give GOD all of the glory. It is easy to say it was the change of doctors, or exercising more, or whatever. But these are all not true and they take away from what God has done. Trying to explain why leaking has been downgraded to mild/moderate only takes away from what God’s healing hand. Trying to replace God’s work with human explanation is undermining God’s wondrous power.
This is why we stand in awe. There are no words. There is no explanation. The only words and explanation is GOD.
Purely GOD.
No other words attached.
This is also why we feel so much peace because even though there is some risk, we know that this isn’t surprising God or out of His control. This is all clearly part of HIS plan (I’d love to say this was our plan too, but that couldn’t be further from the truth because we never saw this coming). Whatever happens in this process, is all part of His glorious and sovereign plan. We just have the privilege of following Him down this new path. Praising God…ALWAYS.
Last Thursday night, we were eating dinner together and for our after-supper devotions, we read Psalm 121. I read the first time and lost it. I turned the Bible towards Dan and said “I just can’t get through it” as tears streamed down my face. This was the passage our minister talked about at our wedding. This has been both Dan and I’s favorite verses (even before we met each other). I don’t find this ironic – I find this as God’s way of giving us assurance and peace – with Him knowing what our life would be like and the trials we would encounter. Let these words soak deep down into your heart with whatever you may be going through: