Walking By Faith
And as I was reading through the lyrics, our journey is written between the lines (my thoughts are in bold).
A couple of weeks ago I did a post called: Runnin’ Away With The Sabbath A few days later I heard from a good friend of mine who had been thinking and pondering the same things I have. She shared with me her concerns about how the Sabbath is viewed and ended up writing up her…
This may not be the most touchy-feely picture to see on a Tuesday morning, but I couldn’t help but see a life lesson screaming from this sight the other day! Dan and I were sitting by the pool, catching up on life after his return from his mission trip to Mississippi, when an ant nonchalantly…
Sometimes it’s hard to understand why God allows what he does, isn’t it? Why the hurt. Why the broken relationship. Why the pain. Why the disappointment. I’m sure we have all wondered why in our journeys in this life. As much as we can feel isolated on our own deserted island of grief, pain, and…
Yesterday morning, before I left for work, Dan told me I should read the Jesus Calling for that day. Jesus Calling – November 7 Worship Me in the beauty of holiness. All true beauty reflects some of who I Am. I am working My ways in you: the diving Artist creating loveliness within your being….
Blessed. When do you feel most blessed? Is it when things are going just right? When life is going just the way you planned it? When you can’t imagine life any other way? I have thought a lot about what being blessed means over the past 2 months. Dan and I have realized that much…
Have you ever considered that fear can become an idol? An idol is anything that we elevate above God. Anything we fixate on, above God. Anything that demands our time, money, minds, and selves, above God. We are in a time where COVID is on the rise and the level of fear is as well….