Week 16 – Things Are Moving Along!

So what does pregnancy look like right now for Kristin?
Well, it looks like I am pregnant that is for sure! The precious students at the school I work at, are starting to ask questions, ask their parents, and I have less and less eye contact with them, as they look at my tummy. You can just see the wheels turning – it’s so cute.
Clothes: I am officially in almost all maternity shirts, as those are most comfortable. I have found some STEALS at Old Navy and also Pink Blush Maternity (normally fairly expensive in my book, but they had a $15 deal on select dresses!) My pants, well, that is where I am a little concerned. If anyone has found pants that aren’t a ridiculous price, that would fit a 37″ inseam girl, please let me know! I am sporting the unbuttoned and sometimes unzipped pants look, but the bella band does wonders! Whoever invented that “belt” is a genius, as I wear one every. single. day. The hair twistie trick no longer works because my pants are then too tight, so as you can see, my belly be growin’! Some of my maternity shirts maybe aren’t as “fitted” as they could be, but let me tell you, they are comfortable and I love it. It brings my heart so much joy to put on a shirt and realize it only covers half of my stomach – to the back of the drawer it goes, for a LONG time, we pray! Maybe consider this odd, but I love not fitting into some of my clothes because that means this babester is growing like crazy!
Food: Cereal. Enough said. I eat bran flakes multiple times a day, while also indulging in cheese. Anything cheese – chips and cheese, plain cheese, cheese on a tortilla with sauce, anything. Those are my two biggest cravings. Fruit is a close 3rd though. I need to work on the whole veggie idea, as they are not a fav yet, but I am getting there. I know for the health of our baby I need to eat more, but right now I am resorting to V8, which helps. Sweets I enjoy, but don’t NEED them. I get too full with big meals, so I literally eat almost every hour it seems!
Weight: I believe I have gained 7-8 lbs., depending on the day. Depending often on how much cheese I ate, probably! I feel good.
My Body: It is taking a different shape, but a shape that I am falling in love with!
Exercise: I am still able to jog, though I am starting to have to walk more and more, but that is just my body telling me that this baby is growing. Jogging still feels so good, and they would like me to keep up on it as much as I can because I KNOW there will be a day when I can’t. I try to exercise in some format daily, but with our busy schedule, I may miss a day or 2.
Babester: I think I am still feeling those flutters! This morning I was sitting in a chair and I felt this constant flutter; I still want to chalk it up to our baby moving! From the crown to the rump, our baby on average is measuring 4-5 inches, weighing in at about 4 oz. It is so hard to believe that this little one is that BIG already! That isn’t even including the legs! And if this child has any resemblance to it’s mother, the legs are going to be forever long! The baby now has eyebrows and eyelashes, and the ears are now in the right spot! The eyes move from side to side, and can even “see” light. Dan had the brilliant idea of shining a flashlight at it to see if it responds. I told him I didn’t want to blind our child, so I put the damper on that one :).
My blood pressure is definitely NOT high, as I was at the eye doctor today and for some reason they had to take my blood pressure, and it was 100/58. Maybe a tad low, but that is not necessarily a bad thing either – I am on a blood pressure med for my heart (even though I don’t have high blood pressure), so to know that it is working, is great news. The last thing they want is for me to go high.
We are starting to get VERY anxious to find out what gender of our child, but it’s only because we just love this child so much and want to call it by name. Yes, we have our names picked out, but that is going to be a secret until birth (in hopes that it doesn’t slip). Thankfully our baby already has a “name” as everyone still calls it Cletus (poor child…it’s going to be so confused when it’s born!)
Thank you for continuing to share in our excitement and more updates to come!