Maybe you are wondering just as much as we are, when this baby girl is going to come…
Well, it doesn’t look like she is going to be making her appearance anytime soon (as in the next few days). We started off the week really wanting her here, but the thing is, basketball season is still going on (even longer now because of a blizzard we had on Tuesday). We decided that if she came, GREAT, but if she didn’t, we’d be able to attend the tournament basketball games. It looks like we will be going to the basketball games! Tonight we went to the Central Minnesota Christian School’s boys’ basketball game vs. Southwest MN Christian and they won, which means they are going to state! AND…tomorrow, the GIRLS have a game vs. Dawson-Boyd, in tournament play, which means I get to keep “coaching” as the varsity assistant. So, we figure we are only getting her excited for all the sporting events she will be attending, as she is QUITE active at these games! She loves ’em already!
As for my week 38 ultrasound…
She is actually measuring right on in size EXCEPT…
Her femur length is off the charts – literally! When he measured it, that number is not in the computer, as she measured at 41 weeks and 3 days for that one, which is 3 weeks ahead! He had to put in a false number, just to get a reading. The rest of her body is right on, which means he figures she is maybe a 7 1/2 – 8 lb. baby right now (give or take a bit). She must be fairly cramped in there and wondering what to do with these legs of hers! No wonder they were always by her head when we first saw her in ultrasounds – she was probably wondering what to do with them!
What this all means is that since my cervix isn’t completely favorable yet, they do not plan on inducing me (especially since she isn’t huge from the measurements). Yes, we were hoping I would be honestly, but oh well! My cervix is moving along, just not where it would have to be if they induced. Inducing now, could mean a c-section. I would MUCH rather have her naturally, so we are JUST fine with waiting for her to come in her own timing which we know is God’s perfect timing! HE knows the right time and yes it still could be tomorrow, but it could be 2 weeks from now. So we just continue to enjoy feeling her move inside and dream. Dreaming about what she’ll look like, dreaming about how long she’ll be, and dreaming about her beautiful face, which you can see below:

Our doctor joked that she is going to come out looking like a kindergartener because of how tall she is! He said she’ll be longest baby in the county :). We decided tonight that if she has Dan’s torso and my legs, she is going to be MIGHTY tall and we are going to have to start saving to buy her clothes. Dan said I could just customize and make her clothes, but I have a bit of work to do then in learning how to sew pants! We said for her sleepers and onesies, we will have to buy a 1/2 year larger, but then take in the sides so they fit :). Watch she’ll come out a little squirt, but we are preparing ourselves for having one long baby! Below are her measurements and now the estimated due date is March 12, but who knows! It was March 3 and we know that came and went, but that’s okay.
Really, we are okay with the wait. Some hours we just tell her it’s time to come out (and are VERY impatient), but others we are just completely content. We know God knows. We know God has a perfect plan – even for this unborn child. He has from the beginning of time. So why rush a perfect plan? Trust me, I have to tell myself that everyday, but it’s good for me. I am not sick of being pregnant, honestly, but just more eager to meet this sweetheart. This daughter that we have been praying for, for SO long! Yes, the doctor confirmed yet again, she IS a girl (whew!)
The world will definitely know when she is born! We can’t wait to share the news, but we know that the news we get to share now, is just as important – that she is healthy, is growing strong, and is right where she needs to be! Praising God today as we have SO INCREDIBLY MUCH to be thankful for!
I bet you can't wait any longer! Your baby girl must be so excited to see you as well. The ultrasound looks great. I wonder just how big she'll actually be, once she comes out. Your labor day is coming too close, Kristin! Have a safe delivery and keep us posted! All the best to you! 🙂
Ron King @ Medgen