What Is God’s Will For My Life?

Do you find yourself wondering what your purpose is? Why on earth you are here? What you are supposed to be doing? Where you are supposed to be? And just what God’s will is specifically for YOUR life?
I have wrestled with ALL of these questions. Questions that I find myself asking time and time again, day after day. What is God’s will for me? What is my purpose? I have searched, read books, talked with others, looked at others’ lives, asked God, and I still found myself walking aimlessly.
WHAT IS GOD’S WILL FOR MY LIFE? Is it to live a good life? To be happy? To feel comfortable? To have a full passport? To have a long list of friends? To have the bigger and better? To wear the right name brand of clothes?
It has been a journey, but the more trials and struggles I have encountered, the more God has taught me that life isn’t about what I do and don’t do, necessarily. It is about HOW my life is being shaped and formed into the character of God. Now don’t get me wrong, it’s important to follow the call of God in our lives and do things for His Kingdom! By all means. But first, we have to just simply reflect who God is and by default, we will live and do the things He is calling us to do.
To figure out the will of God, we just have to be in His presence. In constant communication with Him. Knowing what His Word says. Believing the TRUTHS of His Word, and not the messages of the world, telling us what we should and shouldn’t do. Just by simply being, and being with Him, the more we get to know Him, the more we will decipher what His plans are for us and the more okay we are going to be okay with them.
One of my favorite verses is Psalm 37:4 – Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. I used to get down right upset about this verse. I was seeking God, doing my devotions, praying, and yet God wasn’t answering my prayers. But I failed to delight in Him. It was all for my own gain. Not His. It was all about what I wanted, not what HE wanted.
The more I delight myself in the Lord, the more I am okay with what He has allowed in my life. The more I delight in Him, the more His dreams become my dreams. The more I delight in Him, the more contentment and peace I feel.
The answer is simple. Be with Him. Abide in Him. Delight in Him. And He will show you what His good, pleasing, and perfect will is.
Beautiful! Want a Granny quote? “God’s will is the same for all of us–that everyday, we look more like Him to the world!
I’ll take all the Granny quotes I can GET! That’s one thing I love about your books too. Just so much wisdom within those pages! And Granny is SO right! I love how she put that – that we look more like Him to the world. Wow. Couldn’t be more true, yet such a simple statement!
I have loved this verse as well. You are so right – by abiding in Him we are doing His will.
It seems so simple, yet I complicated it every. single. day.