What Story Will You Tell?
I have not been one to frequent public places during this whole virus deal. I have “underlying issues” that could send my heart into a tailspin, so my husband and I decided to minimize the amount of outside exposure for me when the virus first came out. Then I finally got sick of it and decided forget it, I’m grabbing my mask and going.
As I was driving to the grocery store, I looked around the streets. They were quiet. I walked up to the grocery store and someone was kindly wiping down every cart. It was silent within. No one looked at each other and surely, no one spoke. A clear plastic barrier stood tall between me and the cashier, and it just felt uncomfortable. It didn’t feel right.
So on the ride home, all I could think about was, “What story am I going to tell when this is all over?” So much like everything in life, it will one day be a moment in history. When someone asks about it…
We all have a chance to tell our own version of the “corona” story. What will yours include? All the negative? The things that made you want to pull your hair out? The presence of media? The frustrations? Or will yours include the times that made you laugh? The things that changed you for the better? The affects of the different pace of life? The lessons God taught you through all of this?
God is busy writing history. He does this every day – and every day, another day is added to our history. To our story. So what story is your life telling right now? Now don’t get me wrong, when you tell your kiddos about this one day, there will be some not-so-great things to talk about. Life isn’t about being comfortable, happy, and problem-free, as much as we try to make it. In fact, life is about SO much more. In fact, it’s how we choose to perceive the circumstances that will tell the biggest story.
I’m not going to tell you what to think or how to think, but I do want to ask:
If God were to ask you personally, “(Insert name), how are you going to glorify me during this time? How are you going to make my Name known through all of this…” What would you say?
So let me ask go back to my first question: What story will you tell?