Why I Want To Be A Messy Person
I never thought I would say that.
I never thought I would say that.
While living in Michigan I really enjoyed learning where to go to get the best prices on groceries, services, activities, etc. Now living in a different state, I get to figure out what that looks like in a different state! When Dan and I got groceries this week, our eyes almost popped out of our…
Acts 17:26-27 says, “And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, 27 that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from…
Are you ever hard on yourself? I know I sure am! I can beat myself up over the littlest thing sometimes. For some reason this example just came to mind; last week I ordered some pictures from Walgreens. They were taken by one of our youth group girls and she did a phenomenal job! Well,…
Treasures in heaven. Where are your treasures? This week (I do not find this as ironic, but as God’s plan), our Bible study was on Matthew 6:19-34, which is about storing up treasures, money, and not worrying. So, I ask again, where is your treasure? Can moth and rust destroy it as it says in…
My greatest “growth spurts” in life, have happened in the most difficult of times. I don’t know if you can say the same for yourself, but for me, I know that it is in the storms of life, that I have learned the most and have grown the most. One of the greatest lessons I…
I remember when I was in college, at one of my routine heart appointments, I remember my cardiologist saying that one of the best things I could for myself was live life with the least amount of stress as possible – for my heart’s sake. And that idea, I have taken with me not only…