8 Ways To Make The Most Of Christmas

Merry Christmas!
It is the day of Christmas – a day of celebration! Do you feel ready? Are you feeling like you can enjoy the day? Are you able to take a deep breath? Christmas is the holiday that I look most forward to! Why? Because Christmas reminds me of why I live – through the salvation given through Jesus Christ. And without His birth, I would not be where I am today! That is why today is so special! It is a day of celebration, a day of gathering with those we love, to reflect on the beauty of what Christmas is all about!
So how do you make the most out of this day?
- Be thankful. Starting Christmas with a thankful attitude, is a great place to start. In fact, starting with gratitude, keeps the focus off of us and helps us keep our eyes on the real meaning of Christmas.
- Enjoy each moment. No matter how much you try to savor each moment of the Christmas season, it is bound to fly by faster than you would like. That is why it is important to enjoy every single moment. Even those that seem stressful – enjoying even those stressful moments, helps keep your focus on the first – being thankful
- Crank up the music. I am one of those people who starts playing Christmas at the beginning of November. Okay, and maybe I occasionally have played it even in July. Cranking up the Christmas music may put a little pep in your step!
- Set the mood. Light some candles, decorate your home, and do what you need to do to make your mood more delightful – your family will thank you!
- Make Christmas what you want it to be. If you enjoy making Christmas cookies, take the time to make them! If you enjoy decorating or setting the table filled with Christmas dishes, do not hesitate! If you enjoy singing carols together as a family, do it! Do not hesitate to make Christmas what you want it to be!
- Be willing to let go of expectations. When it comes to family traditions, do not expect things to go a certain way because there may be a chance they do not. Do not expect everything to go perfectly because they probably will not. Letting go of expectations will allow you to have a less stressful day!
- Enjoy the weather! Living in the north, snow comes pretty early – as in November and doesn’t leave until April or May. So, what do you do with half a year of snow? Even when it is a little chilly, we try and get out and enjoy the weather. There is something about getting fresh air, even in the frigid cold, all bundled up. The beauty of snow falling – a snow globe effect that is unexplainable!
- Spend time with those you love. Christmas is a time to spend with those you love. Whether it be family or friends, there is something about sitting around a table, having conversations about who knows what, that is irreplaceable. Don’t let the hustle of getting the food out on the table, or making everything look perfect, get in the way of spending time with your loved ones. I understand that for some, the holidays can be very difficult because it is a reminder of those who are absent or have passed away. Tears may fall, but surrounding yourself with those you love and those that love you, can help fill that void!