Around The Home

Like any parent, you never forget the day your child was born. That day was so special, filled with nothing but pure joy and humbleness, that the girl we prayed for, for so many years, was finally in our arms. To see her grow and turn into the sweetest little girl, brings nothing but joy…
A few weeks ago, I mentioned that there is a new documentary coming out on Amazon FreeVee, called God.Family.Football. This 6 episode series is set to release on September 1, 2023, and will be available to stream for free on Amazon Freevee! I was able to get a sneak peak into this series and first…
Life has been a bit crazy lately, but don’t we all just have those weeks sometimes? Dan and I often say that even though there are crazy seasons of life, sometimes they just end up being crazy weeks and then the next week looks completely different. Do you know what I’m talking about? I feel…
I never thought the day would come. The news that my heart was healthy enough to have a child. Not only have a child, but carry, feel the hiccups of, the little kicks, her little feet, and the birthing a love for a child from the very beginning. It was an experience that many…
I once read somewhere that: Grace is not expecting immediate perfection, but allowing progression. Take a second to think about that. Think about how you treat your husband. Your children. Your friends. Yourself. In this thing called life, I think “perfection” is something we all want to obtain, to some degree. Pick an area of…
First of all…please know that as you view these, God worked in WONDROUS ways today. We have come up with countless ways that God has protected us more than we could’ve asked. I know I posted these on facebook, but I know not everyone has facebook, so we thought we would post them on the…
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My daughter is also obsessed with Daniel Tiger. She calls it "tigie" like Daniel tiger calls his stuffed toy. We only have the free cable so she watches PBS kids.