The Day We Fell Even More In Love
I sometimes wonder how it is possible to love our child even MORE, but today, it came true.
We know the feeling of what it is to love an unborn child. When our first 2 were knit together, we celebrated two lives that we never officially met, but held onto a love for them, that only grew. Even after they passed away.
Loving the unborn, has once again, become more and more real to us.
And today, we fell even more in love!
I had my 10 week appointment today, and we are incredibly blessed to say that we have one healthy child! Yes, there is one – and this child let us KNOW that he/she IS #1! As the doctor was doing the ultrasound, the babester goes and throws up his pointer finger and the doctor says “well, okay, this baby thinks he’s number 1”! We all laughed, as the baby just waved and waved at us. So active and so full of life! (The doctor did get a picture of the “#1”, but it doesn’t show up in a picture of the picture).
I am actually measuring about 4-5 days ahead of schedule, but the doctor decided to keep my same due date of March 17, knowing that I am one day off from my due date being pushed forward a week. Though we are not surprised at the size, as Dan and I were large babies (Kristin a 9lb. 3oz. and Dan at 10lb. 3oz. I think).
It was wonderful to meet our doctor – the doctor we are hoping will be able to deliver baby Sterk. I will have to have some blood work done later on to determine more fully where I will deliver, but we are hoping it will be in the nearest town, not in the cities. BUT, with that said, we will do whatever it takes to ensure my health and safety and the safety of our child. As our doctor laid out all of the scenarios of what could happen, though one would assume it would instill fear, our hearts were actually at peace. We know that no matter what, God has this child already in the palm of His hand and is creating minute by minute, an environment that He sees fit. Whatever the circumstances, it doesn’t change what God can do. It doesn’t change what God has done to my heart and how He can preserve the health of it. Of course there are risks, but we serve a bigger God than risks can say. We know that this whole situation has been a complete miracle in and of itself, with my heart and with the miracle of life, so the rest of the process is nothing short of a miracle. EVERY. DAY.
Of course my heart is even more at peace, seeing our little one today. The reality of what is going on inside of me, just brings chills to this mother’s heart. As I sit here, our baby is busy doing who knows what. Thinking about everything under the sun. Moving it’s arms and legs in whatever direction it wants them to go. Letting his/her parents know today, that he’s alive and well. What a celebration.
How could we fall even more in love, I wasn’t so sure. But remembering and looking back to a few years ago, I am reminded of how strong LOVE is. That no matter where your children are (even if they are in heaven), your love for them continues to grow. And GROW. Til one day, the fulfillment of that perfect love will be satisfied in heaven. And today, we got just a glimpse again, of what that feeling of love is like for a child. A love that can only grow and never diminish. A love that reminds us of the unconditional love our Father has for us. To shower us with undeserved blessings of love.
Today our hearts are even fuller and even more in love, for this little one:

So, this marks 10 weeks, and I am feeling better and better by the week! I am still LOVING cereal and now watermelon. I still eat about 4-5 bowls of cereal a day, but I suppose I could be eating worse, right? Crackers, apple juice, and tortilla chips and cheese, are what I am living off of. Oh, and of course pickles. I LOVE PICKLES. Always have, but wow, do they taste even better! And anything cold. Real fruit popsicles? YUM! I am sleeping good at night and am actually becoming a warm body! Just ask Dan – I am usually so cold, but my body has been telling me that it’s PLENTY warm these days! What a change! Nausea can come and go, but it is getting less and less by the week! I am still exercising and living life as normal, so to think that I am 1/4 of the way through this pregnancy, and feeling as I am, we couldn’t be more thankful! Please praise God with us, for a healthy baby and for sustaining life in such a powerful way!
I will see my heart doctor in Minneapolis at the beginning of September to check on how the ole ticker is doing and then see my obgyn again mid-September. We are so blessed to be in a country where quality medical care is available! To know that we live in a country where medicine is well-advanced and the care of those who may be more at-risk, isn’t as much of a worry, is such a blessing. Yes, medical expenses are expensive, but when the outcome is considered and kept as the main focus, it makes this completely worth every moment and appointment. Another reason we are thankful today! We are blessed to live in the country we do.
So glad all is well. Little Sterk reminds me of big Sterks- always moving and involved. We think of u often and missed you especially since Jonathan hAs been in MI for about 10 days. He and Hunter have settled in Virginia and are trying to figure out what to do next.
Love to u both.
Flora and Dave
Hi Flora! We miss you all as well! The feeling is definitely mutual. We would've loved to have seen Jonathan and Hunter – those get togethers bring back a lot of memories! We hope that you and Dave are doing well Flora and we love you too 🙂