An Authentic Life
Do you feel like that is becoming a word of the past? Do you feel like it is hard to find?
Dan and I were watching the news and there was a report of yet another all-star pro athlete, making a poor decision, that could effect his upcoming season. So many of these incidences shock us purely because I think as a society, we hold these people on such a pedestal that we forget they are human too. We look at them, wanting to be and look just like them, but forget that they too, have to make moral and law-abiding choices. We see them as have “arrived” in the world, only wishing we made as much as they did, lived the life they did…
Or do we really?
It’s easy to look at an Instagram account and see a “perfect” life, but is that real life? Is that an authentic life? Pick up any magazine and those same questions can be asked. Now don’t get me wrong. I LOVE the look of a crisp white room. But let’s be honest. How practical is that? I recently painted a wall and as I was walking out the door, I saw a line across it. Mazy had taken a pencil and drew a nice little line across the newly painted wall. Yes, it came off, but if that were white? Oh man…
Also, we have white cupboards and I LOVE them, but they sure show dirt and grime quicker, don’t they? And white pillows? If I took one little nap on them, my drool and mascara would be sure leave a mark.
I am not sure how to more accurately portray a more authentic life through typed words on a screen, but I think authenticity is what we all crave, truly. Deep down, even though some may want that celebrity, high-flying life, it will only bring emptiness. I promise that it will never be fulfilling. Reason being, the only true life-giver is that of Jesus Christ. The true joy-giver, the true contentment-giver. I am thankful for a God who sent His Son, as a servant, a willing servant, to serve His people – to show true authenticity. I am thankful we have an example to follow, and that we do not have to live up to the emptiness of the world’s perspective of authentic.
Who are you following? Who are you striving to become like? Look like? These questions I have to ask myself daily and are questions I am challenged by daily, to be that person CHRIST has created me to be!