
Post-Summer Clean Out

Post-Summer Clean Out

I’m a change-of-seasons type of gal. I love each season in it’s entirety, but when the next season comes, I always welcome it! And one of those reasons is… PURGING time! If you’ve followed me over the years, you know I have a weird love for clearing out, cleaning out, and simplicity. Having clutter and…

When There Is No Cure

With heart failure, there is no cure. Heart failure is something I will live with the rest of my life. I suppose I knew that, but I was so incredibly hopeful that after my “first” surgery (second lifetime) last fall, that I would say goodbye to heart issues. But then the second surgery happened and…

Around The Home

Around The Home

This past week hasn’t been an easy one, health-wise, but I will say it has been an AMAZING week at HOME! So thankful that this past week did not entail anymore hospital stays, and just a follow up in Ann Arbor. God sure has been gracious and gave us a bit of a break from…

Holter Monitor Is On!

It’s the little things in life, right? Today, while at my hospital follow-up visit, I received a 3 lead holter monitor that will detect how many PVCs I am having and if they are coming from different places on the heart. If you remember, the goal was to get a 12-lead, but due to a…

One Day At A Time

God continues to surprise me with opportunities to trust. When I was laying in the back of the ambulance on my way back to Michigan, I had 2 1/2 hours to think about what was again, happening. Why again, God? What is your good, good purpose in this? Why did my LifeVest go off? As…

Around The Home

Around The Home

This week was a bit more eventful than we planned, but nothing happens without a purpose, and I feel this week has been no different. I have been feeling a bit more symptomatic, but didn’t expect another hospital stay.  But thanks to that alarm that went off on my LifeVest, it has shown the doctors…