


**NEW MOVIE coming out from the studio that brought you The Chosen, called “His Only Son”! His Only Son recounts one of the most controversial moments in the Old Testament—when Abraham was commanded by God to sacrifice his son Isaac on the mountain of Moriah. While traveling to the place of the sacrifice, alongside Isaac…

Sharing Our Story

Sharing Our Story

God has given us all a story to share. The more I walk this road of life, the more I realize that we are not here on this earth for anything for ourselves, but to share of his glory. I recently was able to talk with Bill from The Christian Heart, a non-profit ministry that…



Life is meant to be savored. To be enjoyed completely. But how do we savor life when life maybe doesn’t look like we want it to or how we expected it to? I believe it all comes down to our choices. The daily choices we make. The daily choices we make that make up our…

Waiting Is The Hard Part

Waiting Is The Hard Part

Praying is the easy part…the waiting is not. I often find myself praying about something to release the worry, but then minutes later, am thinking about it again. Telling God all of my troubles is one thing, but it’s the waiting and wondering after, that is the hard part. I can trust God when I…

Homemade Stovetop Potpourri

Homemade Stovetop Potpourri

With all of these snowstorms that we’ve experienced in West Michigan, it has called for some creative activities in the house. I grew up with my mom having dried potpourri on the stove and that inspired me to try something myself. Stovetop potpourri. Though not dried and uses fresh ingredients, I have to say it…