Around The Home

Around The Home

Around The Home

What a way to start a new week, by celebrating Easter! Like I said earlier, it is an emotional day, just thinking about how much our God truly loves us, by sending His Son to die for us, but then choosing to give us new life by raising Him from the dead – ETERNAL life….

Around The Home

It has been a CRAZY weekend, which I can’t WAIT to share more about in the next few days! I’ll give you a hint…it has to do with finding a place to live, but until then… Here’s a glimpse at our week in picture: One wonderful thing about having a sister who had all girls…

Around The Home

Around The Home

Life has been a bit crazy lately, but don’t we all just have those weeks sometimes? Dan and I often say that even though there are crazy seasons of life, sometimes they just end up being crazy weeks and then the next week looks completely different. Do you know what I’m talking about? I feel…

Around The Home

Around The Home

Just another pretty normal week at the Sterks! Mazy has learned to turn around in a circle while sitting on her bottom, so maybe she will end up scooting across the floor instead of crawling! Her vocab is also becoming quite extensive, even though we aren’t always sure what she is saying! I recently taught…

Around The Home

Around The Home

This past week has been filled with Mazy honing in on her new skills! She is LOVING picking up food with her fingers and eating it. Her new favs are waffles and toast with peanut butter. Yes, I have introduced peanut butter and so far so good! I figured the range they say that you…

Around The Home

Around The Home

It has been a chilly week here in Minnesota! Of course this is what we expected moving out here, but it always takes a few days to get used to the frigid temps again! Now with a baby, I think twice about going outside and to town because just in a few minutes, she can…