
Story of Joseph

Sometimes it is so hard to put into words what we are feeling. Yesterday we started to pack up our house and it was so difficult. At one point we just sat on the stairs and cried. Sometimes it just feels like too much. But we know that this is the best decision financially for…

More Test Results

Blessed be the Name of the Lord! Yesterday we sat on our couch and listened to this song a few times and through the tears, we believe God will be blessed! It is hard to put into words what we are feeling, but I am going to try my best. First of all, we FINALLY know the…


Blessed. When do you feel most blessed? Is it when things are going just right? When life is going just the way you planned it? When you can’t imagine life any other way? I have thought a lot about what being blessed means over the past 2 months. Dan and I have realized that much…

Rejoice in the Lord Always

REJOICE IN THE LORD ALWAYS; I WILL SAY IT AGAIN: REJOICE – Philippians 4:4 This is a verse that keeps popping up in my head and even when I reading something – not that I find that to be a coincidence. God is not coincidental. He knows that His words will help us find peace. Yesterday was a…

August 23 – Wow, God

August 23 – JESUS CALLING Entrust your loved ones to me; release them into My protective care. They are much safer with Me  than in your clinging hands. If you let a loved one become an idol in your heart, you endanger that one – as well as yourself. Remember the extreme measures  I used…