Family & Marriage

Around The Home

Around The Home

I have just a few pics from this past week. We had a little birthday party for Mazy, took some 1 year pictures, and some other fun ones, that I am excited to share with you soon! Until then… Mazy doesn’t ever like to sit “normal” in a chair – feet up on the table….

It’s Really Okay

I had all these grand ideas of how I was going to be the perfect stay-at-home-mom. As much as didn’t/don’t want to admit it, we go into parenthood with expectations. I made the mistake of telling Dan that I didn’t really have any expectations, but the more I thought about it, I so did! I…

Around The Home

Around The Home

It has been an exciting week at the Sterks! Mazy has been growing like crazy! She is scooting all over the house, took her first steps this week, started to drink whole milk, is getting rid of a few bottles and just doing sippys instead. Enjoying the beautiful weather here in Minnesota!   Her attempts…