
Around The Home

Around The Home

I am realizing that our weeks tend to look the same, so there are “repetitive events” but there is always a cute picture to be taken (if I think of it). Though it was a bit chilly at times this week, it warmed up to be spring-like weather again! Except of course there were leaves…

Mazy Is 19 Months Old!

Mazy Is 19 Months Old!

              Stats:  ~ Unknown Food:  ~ Favorites: lasagna, mac ‘n cheese, strawberries, cheese, pizza, peanut butter and jelly, cereal, smoothies Size: ~ 18 month-2T clothes ~ 24 month – 2T pants ~ Size 4 diapers during the day and size 5 at night Routine: ~ Wakes up between 8:15…

A Day In The Life Of…

A Day In The Life Of…

I am always intrigued by what other people’s days look like. Why, I am not sure. I don’t feel the urge to be like them or have my days like their’s, but maybe it’s because there is a lot to learn about someone by how they live their everyday life. I guess that is why…

More Than Exercise

I was at an appointment the other week and the lady asked how things were going with parenting. I said with a bit of relief, I felt like we were figuring things out and kind of have it together. She looked at me with almost a look of disgust, as I tried to back peddle…