Different Chapters – Same Title
It has been an incredible journey so far! It’s so hard to not get ahead of ourselves because we have just seen God work in SUCH amazing ways. We still have a hard time holding back our tears – they seem to come at the most random of times, but they are just a testimony of how humbled we are with what God is doing in our life. So if you see us and we just start crying, I promise we are okay.
One of the most humbling experiences in all of this so far is hearing other people’s stories. Hearing about others who have had to go to the Fertility Center. Hearing about others who have had heart problems. Hearing about others who are going through a hard time in life. I absolutely love opening up my email and reading about others who are sharing their story. I treasure EVERY one of them. Today in Bible study we were studying Philippians 2, where Paul talks about Timothy and Epaphroditus (who we nicknamed E or Ep). They were partners with Paul in ministry and were a tremendous encouragement to Paul. I can think of other stories in the Bible where God sent people to someone to encourage and uplift them. To LIVE LIFE with them. Yet each one had their very specific purpose – a purpose that God had called them uniquely to. That is what many of you have been for me. You know how the saying goes, it takes a village to raise a child. Well, I think that saying is true in the Christian life too in a way. We are not meant to be here on this earth alone. To live life lonely. Part of the pure joy that it is to be a Christian, is to have fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, walking with you. I’m sure we can all think of someone who has encouraged us in a tough time, or in a big moment in our life. If you have ever gotten married or been to a wedding, think about all of those people sitting in the pews – sitting in support of you getting married. You had people encouraging you in a “big moment” in life. That is what I am feeling through all of this. I was nervous to start talking about this whole situation because I feared people’s responses. What I had hoped though, was that God would use our situation, to help remind people that God calls us to different things – we just have to act in obedience. Each of YOU, have a call – each of you have a different life experience. And I want to hear about it. The stories I have heard since opening up about what God is doing in our life, have brought me to tears. Literally. At times I rejoice with tears, yet at times I cry because of the pain some of you have had to go through. But TOGETHER, we are all living for one purpose – to glorify God.
We are no different than you. Our story’s chapters may be different, but the title is the same – living for God. You all have a story to tell – tell it. I want to hear about it. I want to hear about the chapters God is writing for you! I think it brings God joy to see others working through situations together – to see His children living life together. Don’t ever feel you need to walk this earth alone!
I know you may get sick of me talking about “our story.” Trust me, I sometimes get sick of typing that. But I am just writing about what God has put on my heart. Today I didn’t know what to blog about. I prayed and this is what God put on my heart. Don’t ever minimize your story – God is and will use your story. That is a guarantee.