Mazy’s Week In Pictures

There is no question that winter has arrived here in Michigan! We had our first snow day and since then, we have been making the most of the fluffy white stuff as you’ll see… We started the week with a little family night at the bowling alley! I realized this is the first time we…
We have our first piece of furniture put together for the nursery! Many have asked about what our nursery looks like so far and to be honest, we do not have it completely set up…yet… Back in April, I decided to paint our spare room a light blue. Little did we know in May, that…
When you know change is coming, do you find yourself being more intentional? Since March, Dan and I have found ourselves at that point. One day we discussed what were some things we wanted to do before we left Minnesota, and truth be told, there wasn’t much. If at all, anything. Yes, we would love…
This past week hasn’t been an easy one, health-wise, but I will say it has been an AMAZING week at HOME! So thankful that this past week did not entail anymore hospital stays, and just a follow up in Ann Arbor. God sure has been gracious and gave us a bit of a break from…
What a week it has been! First of all, thank you all for the prayers, messages, and emails! We are incredibly blessed to be part of the family of God and be offered so much love, care, and support! This past week hasn’t been anything like we ever imagined, yet it was exactly what God…
Like I mentioned yesterday, we spent this past weekend and the early half of this week on Beaver Island! Dan’s parents vacation there for two weeks every summer and they kindly invited us to join them if we wanted to. Well, it didn’t take much thought since we really enjoy hanging out with family! So…