Our Little 18 Month Old

Continuing my lengthy 30-Day blog challenge… Ironically I have an iPod shuffle! Oh about 3 years ago we were at our church’s mission auction and they were auctioning one off. I really wanted it for cleaning b/c it clips onto clothing (but doesn’t have a screen or anything). It is REALLY simple, but that is…
What do you use salt for most? I will safely assume that it is probably for food purposes – specifically as a “seasoner.” Ever wonder what else salt is good for? I am sure you have seen different kinds of salt at your local grocery store and wonder why there are even so many different types…
It sure is easy to put all of my time and energy into just one of my loves! Our daughter! Over the last 15 months, I have come to learn that when Dan and I are not on the same page, there is a lot that seems like it’s not on the same page either….
Hello April! I always enjoy April because it means warmer temps and time to come out of hibernation. Well, the weather hasn’t necessarily felt like spring, but it’s coming! Mazy keeps asking to go swimming in her pool and she doesn’t quite understand why she can’t go swimming in it yet. Though her toes touching…
How do you even begin to prepare to have a baby? I remember being completely overwhelmed when Dan and I stepped foot in Target, with the scanner in hand, and tried to register for everything we thought we needed. I think we maybe registered for 15 items and then said “that’s it”. Not that those…
On Tuesday, we headed up to St. Cloud, MN for our annual middle school retreat. This is something both Dan and I were looking so incredibly forward to because we feel when you get out of the “normal” setting of life, you can really build relationships. That is exactly what happened. We absolutely LOVED this…
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Oh, Kristin, I could just eat this girl with a spoon! In the second picture, I can see she is looking like her beautiful mama. I showed the pictures to Awesome Wonderful, and when we got to the last one, I explained that the guy is daddy Dan. He said, "That poor guy is toast!" LOL Gotta love a man who loves his little girl.
Lol we got a kick out of Awesome Wonderfuls comment! She sure brings us so much joy and always puts a smile on our face and laughter in our bellies!