Racing With Thankfulness

The cheers were loud, as we stepped out onto our deck this morning and remembered that our town’s turkey trot run was happening at the end of our road. Some walkers, some runners, all working towards the same goal – the big yellow banner that went up and over our main downtown street. I was dropping Mazy off at church for the church service and also our youth group’s pancake fundraiser breakfast. And myself, steering clear of the crowds as my sickness-fighting numbers are still incredibly low, sipping some hot water to calm the cough I’ve been fighting for weeks.
All on different paths through life. All with different purposes. All with hopefully one goal – to serve our Savior through our journeys, whatever they may be.
This Thanksgiving looks a bit different than expected. It’ll be quiet and reflective. I’ve shed a few tears knowing what today would look like as a cancer patient, but today I woke up grateful for another day. Another opportunity to serve God, even from the confines of my own home. Thankful for breath. Thankful for family. For friends. For the people I’ve met along life’s journey. Along this cancer journey too.
Thankfulness isn’t circumstantial. It’s a perspective.
And I want my perspective today, to be one of gratitude for the gift of life. For the gift of eternal life. For the gift of being able to be here on this earth, to serve our risen King. We have one goal in life as Christians – to run our race well and at the finish line be told, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” (Matthew 25:23)
How well are you running your race? I know I could pick up the pace a bit. No matter where you are at, God is there, cheering you on, running with you, and may our eyes always look to Him with gratitude for this gift of another day.