R|M Book is HERE!
If you are a podcast listener, you might have listened to, or at least heard of, the Risen Motherhood podcast! It’s a down-to-earth, authentic, real-life conversation about motherhood, the joys, the struggles, and everything in between! I would say it is one of my favs, when I get a chance to listen to one. So, when I heard that they were coming out with a book, I jumped at the opportunity to join their book launch team and get my hands on a copy of their book!
And let me tell you, it will not disappoint. This book is for YOU, my fellow mama out there, who just needs to be reminded of God’s love for you and how much we need Him. The truth of the gospel shines through in this book and really, it is that simple. The gospel is for us to embrace. His grace is for us to hold on tightly to. And this book is a gentle, yet real reminder that God’s truth is so worth embracing!
You can buy the R|M that was JUST released today, HERE!
#risenmotherhoodbook #embracingreallife