Gestational Carrier/Our Babies

A Different Perspective

We have visitors :)! Dan’s brother Tom, his wife Kari and there 2 kids made the trek from Michigan to Minnesota yesterday! It is always nice having a piece of family out here! Thankfully the snow is gone (much different weather than when my parents were out here!) and we can enjoy the sights of…

Overwhelmed By Grace

Overwhelmed By Grace

God’s grace in our life is overwhelming. Overwhelming to the point that it has brought us to tears. There have been little (and big) things that God has done in our life that have just made us drop in prayer on the spot in humble thanks to Him. I have wanted to talk about Christmas…

Moving Forward In Grief

Over the past few months, I have learned more about grief than I have ever cared to know, but in the deepest part of my heart, I am thankful for all that God is teaching me. I have tried to be open about our journey and though I hesitate talking about grief because everyone grieves…

Our Babies In Heaven

Our Babies In Heaven

Give thanks to the Lord, our God and King…His love endures forever! What a wonderful Thanksgiving we had. One filled with so many mixed emotions, but filled with utter thankfulness for our families and what has been over the last year. The past few days have been a little difficult because we thought our Thanksgiving would…