Thankful Still

Sometimes it’s hard to understand why God allows what he does, isn’t it?
Why the hurt. Why the broken relationship. Why the pain. Why the disappointment. I’m sure we have all wondered why in our journeys in this life.
As much as we can feel isolated on our own deserted island of grief, pain, and disappointment, we can always remember those who walked similar journeys in the Bible. Joseph (rejected), Hannah (infertility), Noah (flood), Ruth (husband died), Job (you name it, it happened), Stephen (stoned), and there are countless others. Think about all of the miracles Jesus did – they weren’t because something good was happening; no, it was because people needed Him to intervene. It’s easy to feel isolated in our sufferings, but we have to look no further than the Scriptures, to see that this is all part of God’s redemptive plan.
The Bible doesn’t promise a trouble-free life. Indeed, our all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-good God, still allows disappointment, pain, and brokenness. But we don’t need to see these things as the end all. For it’s in our pain and suffering, that God draws us closer to Himself. We aren’t guaranteed a life free of difficulty, but what we are guaranteed is eternity.
This Thanksgiving week brings many emotions for us all. Being close to the end of the year, we often reflect back on what this past year has entailed. For some, it’s one of triumph. Another, grief. Others, pain and suffering. Still others, contentment and joy. I too, stand in wonder of what God is up to in my own life. This leukemia journey is all too familiar, yet so foreign. It’s easy to focus on what I can’t do this week, but what joy there is still to be found.
It’s often when our comfort is taken away, that we realize what matters in life. As difficulty looms, the trivial tends to fade. I don’t know what emotions this week brings up for you; maybe you are walking a road of being happier than you’ve been in awhile. Others may be wondering when the difficulty will end. But let ALL of this, draw us to the throne of grace. To the foot of the cross, in gratitude for what HE has done.
I can choose to be thankful, even with heart failure and leukemia. Even though the journey is bumpy and full of detours, I know there is a Light guiding the path that has already been tread on. We can be thankful amidst the disappointments. The difficulties. The joys. Thankfulness is a choice.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says, “Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” You know what I love about this single sentence? Is that it is 3 verses long. Each expectation and command, its own verse – be joyful, pray, give thanks. It goes to show how important each of these commands are!
However your life may look, may we ALL choose thankfulness this week and always!