The Power of Sunday

As I stepped out our van today in our church parking lot, I strapped on my mask and walked through the all too familiar doors of our church. It had been 2 months since I last stepped foot into a service, but still masked because I had been in chemo the prior two months. It was a long two months of not hearing their booming voices during congregational singing times. Hearing the word preached in person. If one good thing COVID brought in was online services, that I am still thankful for.
But it’s just not the same.
Walking through those doors, there was utter silence. I was expecting to hear the prelude still going, but I arrived just as the church bell started ringing. A signal that the service was starting and this time, I was there. I quietly walked up the steps and witnessed the beauty of what BEING in church really was like. There were 3 chairs set up in the way back for our little family, so that I can safely be there, yet still be a part of the congregation. I glanced around and noticed unfamiliar faces as new families have started coming, begging my heart to want to get to know these people.
You see, there is something about the power of Sunday. The first being of course the celebration of salvation we have through the risen body of Christ! But there is the physical ability to celebrate with other Christians, as one body, and worship that very Savior. And we get to do this every week! Freely! Even though I have to come late and leave early, there is something about the presence of just being there.
Oh the beauty of others desiring to worship this Savior. Coming together to hear the Word of God preached. Our hearts united as one as we pray together. Our voices joining in one chorus, as this is just a glimpse of what heaven will be like. The experience just isn’t the same from my couch.
And then to hear the congregation cheer as it was announced that I am cancer free thus far! That was for God alone and there was no holding back of the tears at that moment. My emotions were already so overwhelmed with just being there, but then to be reminded that we have a whole army behind us as we walk this cancer journey, just made the water works flow. God is doing immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine! It has been a long year and a half of cancer and a long 7 years of heart issues. We have been dealing with chronic health issues since the day we moved here from Minnesota! But this is the beauty of the church. To be together, cheering one another on, praising God, walking hand in hand, through life’s journeys. I’m no different than anyone else sitting in those pews (or chairs). We are all for each other and cheering one another on, in the grace of God alone.
If you wake up on a Sunday morning or even go to bed on Saturday night, wondering if you should go to church, PLEASE DO. It won’t come back void. Yes, Sunday is a day of rest. But what better place to spend some time of rest, than in the house of God, with others who are on the same path as you? Take that Sunday afternoon nap when you get home. We need to be together. And don’t neglect meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing. But let’s encourage one another, as wait for the day of His arrival once again (Heb. 10:25).
So happy for you Kristen! God has taken you on an intense journey, So happy that the test came back cancer free! And, what a day that you could finally go back to church and worship with your family of believers. All praise and glory to God!🙏 May God continue to bless you!💖
It has been quite the journey, but we also see how far God has taken us! To finally be told “cancer free” again, has been such a gift! It was so wonderful to step foot into church again, I didn’t realize how much my heart missed that. All glory goes to Him alone! I’m just so thankful we can worship freely every Sunday, twice! Such a gift!