Week 27!

27 Weeks!
Baby girl is on the move! No, I am not having contractions, but I can now see her moving just by looking at my stomach! You can see a little punch here and there, which makes Dan and I wonder what is going through her mind! That feeling of movement is just beyond what I ever imagined it to be – something so subtle, yet so full of life. I read she can now have the hiccups, which I supposedly will be able to feel, as she is now roughly 14 1/2 inches long and about 2 lbs.
And everyday, we fall in love with her more and more. Maybe it’s the dreams. Maybe it’s the reality that this we pray WILL be our reality (holding her). Maybe it’s the years of waiting and praying that maybe one day, we would be able to experience this. Does it seem surreal? At times. Yet our dreams becoming more and more real as we are starting to set up the nursery.
I still feel amazing. I am not having any complications that I am aware of (outside of the label of “high-risk” pregnancy), but really, I am not having any issues. At 27 weeks, we are just continually thankful to God for my health and for the health of the baby. We shouldn’t be surprised as it is purely God, but in our human minds, we are. We just had no idea how it would go, knowing the risks. We just continue to trust that God will lead us forward – forward to the day we meet her!
I am still sleeping well at night, just getting up only once or twice. I am starting to get a little warmer at night, but during the day, I am still pretty much cold all the time – things have not changed there! Things are starting to take a little more “grunting” to do, such as bending over, trying to pick up something off the floor, or even getting up out of a chair. Who would have thought? Getting off the floor I feel a little older, but when I think about the extra poundage, I am thankful I can still walk and live a normal life!
I still go on walks when I can and am still coaching basketball and loving it. Standing for long periods of time cause my knees to get a little sore, but I chalk that up to my basketball playing days. Cocoa butter is genius as it keeps my dry skin from being so itchy! Did I ever mention how much I love prenatal vitamins? Wow do those help the hair, the nails, and the skin!
And food? Still enjoying food, though I feel my appetite is getting a little less intense. I am not as hungry as I used to be and some foods just don’t sound as a good as they used to. Ironically fruits and veggies sound really good and of course cereal! I am glad that potato chips aren’t always high on the list, but sweets, well, those always taste good as long as they are in small amounts (otherwise I feel kind of sick afterwards).
Each day offers new experiences and new/stronger feelings of this baby girl. Some so strong that they almost make me double over, not in pain, but in “whoa, whatchya doing baby girl?” I just picture somersaults and a girl just having a party! Her most active times are definitely at 10:00pm, which is just in time for me to sit and feel her every move! How beautiful!
Can’t wait for the next how many weeks!