When Confusion Becomes Clear
I don’t know about you, but some of the most confusing and mind-boggling experiences in my life, have been the most powerful life-changers. Those situations and circumstances that hold so many unanswered questions, are the most powerful tools that God has used to change my life.
Think of the most difficult situation you have ever gone through. At the time, it was maybe confusing, hurtful, frustrating, anger-filled, or even filled with deep sorrow. Yet in looking back on that situation, can I ask you this? Has that circumstance been one of the most life-changing for you? Did it change the course of action for you?
While being at cardiac rehab, I am blessed to hear the stories of many who had similar experiences. They had one heart episode that sent them straight to the ER, ended up lying on an operating table, and haven’t woken up the same since. That defining moment in their life when they knew they could not live life the same.
I walk that same road and maybe you do too.
When we are going through those difficult moments in life, we often cry out to God, why? Why now? What’s the purpose? Are you really in control? Don’t you see life here, falling apart? Yes He does. In fact, He plans to use that situation in a very powerful way.
As a Christian, we may never know how God uses our situation for His glory. We may never know the whys. We may never know how our circumstances may touch another’s life. There can be an incredible amount of confusion, that causes us to just throw up our hands to God and say “okay God, I’ve got nothing left!”
Well my friend, that’s what He wants. He wants to take our situation and turn it into something beautiful. I’m not saying it will always look like rainbows and sunny days. In fact, you may never understand the depths of the whys. But what we have to remember is that GOD sees the circumstance with clear vision. He is busy working behind the scenes to ensure that situation becomes something beautiful. Something powerful. Something life-changing.
Now don’t get me wrong. I don’t walk and skip with a smile on my face through some of those difficult times. There is a seasons for everything under the sun. But what we do have to remember is that God can use the most confusing and difficult times, to make them the biggest life-changers and change our course of life. For the good. IF WE ALLOW HIM TO.
Keep looking up my friend, it will be worth the journey! I PROMISE.
What circumstance has God used in your life, that brought confusion and difficulty, that changed your life?