When Life Seems Unfair

Do you know someone who is going through a difficult time in life? I don’t know about you, but it seems like every which way I turn, someone is struggling. It just doesn’t seem fair.
I thought about this idea and kind of a “why bad things happen to good people” thought and the more I thought about our lives here on earth, the more I thought about our lives in heaven.
Where do you place your hope? We all place our hope in something, whether it’s here on earth or in heaven. Some may place their hope in the doctor’s words, a medication, a new idea to try, their position at work, etc. When we place our hope in earthly matters, we will be disappointed because they will not come through for us eventually. Maybe for a short time, but eventually our humanness will take over. For we are all terminally ill in the sense that one day, we will die of something (I know, morbid thought for a Thursday morning).
BUT. We are not without HOPE. When we are in Christ and accept him as our Lord and Savior, we will live FOREVER. Our lives are no longer terminally ill spiritually! WHAT JOY. When life seems unfair, we have to remember that God is unfair in the sense that he is giving us what we don’t deserve – GRACE. He’s fair in the sense of what he’s not giving us when we do deserve eternal punishment – MERCY.
I don’t think we realize how big our God is and how much he’s done for us! There’s a lot about my cancer and heart failure that doesn’t any sense to me. God has shed light on some of it, but when it comes down to it, I can’t bank my life on a cure for anything, except the cure that God has done in my spiritual heart. That is where I can place my hope. That is where true joy and hope can be found.
No matter what you may be going through today, keep your eyes on our Eternal Hope, who so graciously gave us a way out of our terminally ill hearts. Praise him for being someone we can trust amidst the storms of life. May we all be hope spreaders and joy givers as we live out these truths!