Another Update On Mazy
Sweet Mazy can’t catch a break!
Let me preface this with saying I know that things could be much worse. Sick children happen and that is a normal part of life. I guess until it is your own and you see how sick they are, I am going to go with the cliche saying – I would take it upon myself anyday for her to not have to go through what she did!
As you may remember, Mazy had tubes put in last Tuesday. Surgery went well, anesthesia, well that was a little rough, but by nighttime she was feeling okay. Wednesday rolled around and she was not that different kid everyone talked about. In fact, much worse. No fever, but just about every other symptom. Attributed it to the drops, so we stopped them and by Thursday mid-day she was feeling much better. Friday she had a low-grade fever, but assumed it was because of teething. It’s molar time! By Tuesday, she was a bit more fussy, but didn’t think much of it.
Tuesday night, Mazy kept waking up, as in 4 times in 3 hours, which is not typically her. Usually it’s about once. I finally got up with her and she was wide awake and quite fussy. Checked her temp and it was 102.3. A high temp for Mazy since she doesn’t always get fevers. Then I remembered the surgery discharge papers said that if she has a fever over 101, to call. Well, at this point it was 2:00am. I was concerned b/c she was not herself. At all. I called the on-call doctor and even though she didn’t really present any other symptoms outside of just not really moving, a fever, and crying, he suggested to bring her to the ER. So by 2:30 we arrived at the ER.
Thankfully her temp was down to 99.8, and they really couldn’t do much, except run a bunch of tests. The biggest concern were her ears, and they looked great, which actually was a huge answer to prayer, even though we didn’t have an explanation for what was going on. The last thing I wanted was for a tube to have fallen out or for it to not be working properly!
So, we were home by 4:30am. Mazy still hadn’t slept much, but by 6:00am she finally fell asleep until 9:00. That meant she only got 4 or so hours of sleep Tuesday night, which is definitely not close to her 12 or even 13. I called the ENT right away in the morning, but she was in surgery all day, so then I called my primary doctor and had a follow-up appointment scheduled with her. In the end, I am thankful my ENT wasn’t available because I would have ended up at my primary doctor anyways. God’s divine appointment!
My appointment wasn’t until 2, and Wednesday morning, Mazy just cried. She sat on my lap, whimpered, had a 102 fever again, and just was not herself. I was worried. We spent the morning on the couch and she didn’t move. She did take a short nap in her crib, but otherwise it was snuggles on me (which I loved, to be honest, just not the circumstances).
We were at the doctor for 2 hours and her ears checked out fine again, but Mazy went through the gamut of testing because we had to figure out what was causing her fevers. She fell asleep in the car on the way there, which gave her the slightest energy for the waiting room, but once the tests started, she was completely out of it. After each test, she just fell asleep in my arms. And let me tell you, that is NOT Mazy. I can’t tell you the last time she has fallen asleep in my arms in public – I bet it has been close to before she was 6 months of age! Mazy doesn’t sleep anywhere else but her crib or her car seat. And it was obvious to everyone else at the office too, that Mazy was a sick little girl.
Mazy had her blood drawn, a strep test, urine test (where they had to put a cath in her), and all those came back clear, except for a lower white blood cell count. Doctor then recommended an x-ray, just to rule out pneumonia. Also, Mazy was given an antibiotic shot because even though they thought it was viral, the possibility of it being bacterial was there too. They also had to wrap her hand because Mazy stuck it in our running vacuum and it took a few layers of skin off. I felt and still feel incredibly horrible about that! Didn’t see her behind me and bam, there it went in as I was using the hose attachment, she stuck her hand in the main part. Needless to say, Mazy was done by the time we left. She was crying so much when we left that she fell asleep crying, but eventually conked out. Then it was the waiting game to see if any of the tests proved anything more.
The thing is, we are supposed to leave for Michigan tonight to go to a memorial service for Dan’s grandma on Saturday. I am so thankful to have the doctor I do. She is incredibly proactive, realizes the situation we are in, and acts on it. I couldn’t speak more highly of her! That is why we had to run all of those tests yesterday and not wait it out. Not that Michigan doesn’t have good doctors and hospitals, but there was concern that we wouldn’t be able to go to Michigan with how sick she was.
Also, if Mazy got any worse Thursday night or if her blood culture showed that there was growth, she would have to be hospitalized. And honestly, it would be much easier if she was hospitalized in Minnesota than Michigan.
Thursday night Mazy perked up for a little while and ate supper – her first meal of the day! I also had an incredibly gracious and generous friend bring over supper, which was such a gift. I realized I hadn’t eaten much that day either which for those of you who know me, is NOT me! So Mazy and I enjoyed our suppers together and enjoyed an hour or two of her feeling a little better. By nighttime she was running a fever again, but it was lower with tylenol, which was a good sign. We just cuddled and by 9:30, she finally fell asleep. She woke up a few times until 12:30, but after that, she was out for the night. What an answer to prayer! That sweet girl needed sleep and God granted it to her. What a gift.
I got a call from the doctor this morning and she said that the x-ray did show that she had the starting stages of PNEUMONIA! Which makes complete sense because her oxygen level was at 94, a little lower than normal. Also, she didn’t have a fever this morning, which proves the antibiotic shot she had, worked and it’s not viral, which they first thought it was. Glad the doctor chose to give that shot to her, to jumpstart her recovery! So, now to get rid of the pneumonia and hopefully she will be on the mend soon! How she got that, we have no idea, but we are so thankful we have an answer!
Dan and I just feel so sorry for little Mazy! She has been through a lot this past week, but hopefully she is now on the mend and things are looking up. Today she is doing MUCH better! Still a little off of course, but she truly is doing a lot better. Ate a little breakfast, played for a little while, and then it was time to snuggle again. But that is a completely different kid than we had yesterday, so things are improving! And, we can also make it to grandma’s memorial service. So thankful. If you could just pray that the antibiotic completely rids her of the pneumonia and that she can get a clear bill of health again!
Here’s some pics I took while snuggling my girl:

Poor sweet girl! praying for her healing…. Lord we lift Mazy up before Your throne. Ask for her healing. God touch her body and allow Your hand to heal her lungs, ears and fevers — We pray God that You will watch over her as she sleeps, grant her sleep and rest to recover. And for Dan and Kristin as they care for this little one. Rest and all they need to get through this time with Mazy. Amen.
Thank you so, so much for your sweet comment and thoughtful prayer! She is healing, with no more fever. We can hear a bit of gunk in her lungs yet, but hopefully it will move out soon. She has been sleeping better, which has been such a huge answer to prayer! We are getting rest and God is answering our prayers! Thank you again for taking the time to pray for us!
Im so glad to hear that shes doing a bit better… Poor little one. Keeping her in prayer.