

Ah… What a great weekend we both had! Dan went on his annual fishing trip with the Van Lente’s (always a highlight of the year) and I went scrapbooking with my sisters. We both left on Thursday and came back today – it was a much needed getaway! After realizing how refreshing our weekend was,…


Blessed. When do you feel most blessed? Is it when things are going just right? When life is going just the way you planned it? When you can’t imagine life any other way? I have thought a lot about what being blessed means over the past 2 months. Dan and I have realized that much…

Rejoice in the Lord Always

REJOICE IN THE LORD ALWAYS; I WILL SAY IT AGAIN: REJOICE – Philippians 4:4 This is a verse that keeps popping up in my head and even when I reading something – not that I find that to be a coincidence. God is not coincidental. He knows that His words will help us find peace. Yesterday was a…

The Littlest of Details

As I was taking a walk/run, I was reminded of God’s splendor all around us. It is a gorgeous day here in the mitten and what a refresher it was to just walk in God’s glorious creation. Dan and I have been wondering what the next chapter of our life looks like. This blank page…

Along For The Ride

Along For The Ride

What a week! We are still celebrating the fact that Brenda is pregnant – I know I may sound like a broken record, but after over 10 months of going through this process, this is truly something to celebrate. Not that it was a long road, but there was just so much that had to…

Babies Are A Growin’

The babies are GROWING! Though we weren’t as eager as we were on Wednesday to hear the news, when it hit about 12:30, I started to get a little anxious wondering what the results were of Brenda’s blood test today. Well, it was shortly after that, that Brenda called. We were looking at rubbermaid bins at…