Don’t Run

Believe it or not, I used to be a runner. Yes, at one point, I was healthy enough to do so. Those days seem long ago, but I ran almost every day. In fact, Dan and I were recently reminiscing about the time I tripped on a lip in the sidewalk and ate it, gouging out my knee. I still have the scars to tell the story. Times have changed and no more scars have been added from running, as I now consider myself a “walker”.
Whether you are a walker or a runner, we all attempt to run at some point in our lives. And it’s not the type of running you may be accustomed to, but the desire to run from the circumstances in life. Do you ever have the tendency to want to run from a situation? I know I do.
When I was first told in June that I was on the verge of a leukemia relapse, I felt sick to my stomach. I was 4 months out from my last treatment and I was still gaining ground after those 6 months of treatment prior.
And then it happened. A number that should’ve been zero, showed up as 0.002. I wanted to run. Go back to life when I “just” had heart failure. A life that I knew. A disease that was familiar. This one, still felt unknown. And the future, unknown.
I’m sure you can relate. Times when you want to run from a situation or wonder how you’re going to get through it. Times when you wished God had chosen someone else. But let me tell you, my friend, don’t run.
Don’t run because God chose YOU for this God-ordained time in history. A reason far greater than you’ll ever know.
Don’t run because what I want to run from, God has led me to. Since the beginning of time, He has ordained this moment in my life. Now that’s called sovereignty.
Don’t run because God is in the midst of it, walking you through every step of it.
Don’t run because you will miss out on the blessings along the way. Leukemia has blessings. Heart failure has blessings. Your struggle does too. Just choose to see them.
Don’t run from His will and perfect plan. Be obedient. Surrender.
Don’t run, even when it feels out of control. Don’t run when you feel out of control. That’s exactly where God wants you to be – surrendering to His control.
Don’t run because God loves you more than you can even fathom. He will see you through it. You will be victorious. God has already won the battle.
I have wanted to run from leukemia. And heart failure. I know you’ve wanted to run too. But I know each day that He has given me with these diseases, is another day to live for Him. He has given me breath, with a specific purpose to serve Him this day.
Do not run from it, but to run to Him.