Just A Little Bit More…

You sit down at a restaurant and get 4x the amount of food that you normally eat. Feeling full comes after eating half of it, but you say “Just a little bit more…”
Walking through the mall, you see all these sales plastering the windows of your favorite stores. You spent your budget or the amount you feel comfortable spending without feeling guilty, but you say “Just a little bit more…”
Decorating your home to make it “yours” is what you have always dreamed of. You buy this, you buy that. But you just aren’t satisfied until you get this “one thing”. Just a little bit more.
You know you shouldn’t be browsing Pinterest or Facebook for hours on end because it is taking away from the other priorities in your life. But you say…”Just a little bit more…”
What is a little bit more? What’s so wrong with just a little bit more?
Living with enough displays a life of contentment. Living with the thought of needing just a little bit more displays a life of greed. What category do you fit in?
This is something I wrestle with EVERYDAY. Every time I go to the grocery store. Every time I have to buy something. Every time I sleep. Every time I eat. Anytime I do SOMETHING; I have to ask myself, when is enough, enough?
Seeking and finding that place of contentment is a lifelong struggle. Maybe not the most encouraging statement of the year, but this is true: the more you say enough, the less you will struggle with a little bit more. It is worth the journey. It is worth the struggle of today in saying no, to make tomorrow’s decisions easier.
You see, we live in a culture that is obsessed with a little bit more. I am sure you don’t have to drive far and see that families struggle with the “little bit more” philosophy. Why is it that many lottery winners end up bankrupt after awhile? Because the desire for a little bit more was never satisfied. They never put a leash on it. They never said enough. I often ponder what it would be like to win the lottery. What would I do with a million dollars? My humanness thinks I would be happier. Yet I know deep down, that the secret to contentment surely is not more. In my opinion, the secret to contentment is LESS.
Just a little bit more is what causes our homes to burst at the seams with stuff. Just a little bit more is what causes us to burst at the seams in our clothes. Just a little bit more is what can cause families to disintegrate as more and more time is spent at work and on computers and not at home.
How are you going to defy the odds? How are you going to counteract the norm and switch to just a little bit less? Think about the consequences that it will have on your family if you continue to live a “just a little bit more” life.
Where are you heading?