Mazy Is 18 Months Old!

~ Height: 33 1/4 inches (88th percentile)
~ Weight: 23 lbs. 3 oz. (57th percentile
~ Favorites: lasagna, mac ‘n cheese, strawberries, cheese, pizza, peanut butter and jelly, oatmeal cream pies, taking cereal out of the bag
~ 18 month-2T clothes
~ 24 month – 2T pants
~ Size 4 diapers during the day and size 5 at night
~ Wakes up between 7:30 and 8:15.
~ Goes to bed, well, by 10:00
~ Favorite Words: eyes (sunglasses), keys, bo, bane (plane), weese (swing), pay (play), bah (bath), dadee (daddy), sooze (shoes), eeshee (blankie), wubs (wubbanub), gawk (milk), woof (dog), bahsh (brush), ehwhoa (hello, phone), babee (baby), beebeebee (praisebaby dvd) eyes (for sunglasses), keys, mo (for motorcycle), daushess (strawberries)
New words: mommy (mom), sun, bri (Brianna), weesh (fish), miyee (more), gawga (cracker), bi (bike), danny (Daniel Tiger), roar (bear), baa baa (lamb)
~ Can get up and down off the floor solely on her own, without having to use furniture
~ Has 14 teeth – just pushed through her canines.
~ Loves to make animal sounds – can even do a fantastic beaver sound by smacking her hands together
~ Really is starting to comprehend what we are saying. Can get something if we ask her to.
~ Loves to dance and sing
~ Can bend over and pick something up off the ground if hanging onto something
~ Can get off the couch on her own
~ Got her first haircut, to get rid of the mullet (I cut it)
~ Has not been to the doctor since July!
~ Hast stopped pulling out her hair for the most part!
~ Loves to go on walks – but she has to now do the walking herself and start a leaf collection everytime
~ Enjoys swinging, playing in the sandbox, playing with chalk, and riding in her car
~ Can’t wait for me to say “let’s get the mail” (loves holding the keys)
~ Sometimes sleeps through the night, but sometimes wakes up 5 times in a night
~ Enjoys playing on the deck; especially in her water table
~ Would watch Praise Baby and Daniel Tiger all day if we let her
~ Always asks to pray before meals – holds our hands and she squints her eyes shut
~ Likes to try and put her own clothes on
~ Favorite toys: riding elephant, busy board, My Very First 100 Words block books, coloring, blocks, any book, baby, cell phone, puppy that she can pull
~ Can say a word and typically she can repeat it in her own form
~ Still loves her baths! Oh, and putting things in the toilet if the lid isn’t down